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Plein Air Painting at La Jolla Cove, La Jolla, San Diego, California

August 2017 (14:52) – 6am light at La Jolla Cove with Paul, some sea lions and an occasional swimmer.

Europe 2016 Paintings

May 2016 (1:55) – Alla Prima Plein Air Paintings done on location in Portofino, Italy, Colmar, France, Aix-en-Provence, France, Bellagio, Italy, Barcelona, Spain, Arles, France and Paris, France.

See Balboa Park, San Diego, California Through the Eyes of an Artist

February 2016 (2:01) – See Balboa Park through the eyes of Paul Strahm, plein air painter. Cabrillo Bridge, Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Botanical Building, El Prado and California Tower & Dome, Alcazar Garden, Plaza de Panama, Reflection Pond, San Diego Museum of Art, Lawn Bowling, the Dog Park and the Spanish Village Art Center.

Central Park New York City Paintings

October 2009 (1:17) – San Diego Professional Plein Air Painter Paul Strahm painted alla prima while visiting Central Park in October 2009. Enjoy his personal storytelling through his canvas, brushes and paint.

San Diego Art Institute 2008 Solo Exhibition

June 2008 (1:36) – These paintings were from my solo exhibition hosted by the San Diego Art Institute in Balboa Park, San Diego, California, USA, in 2008.

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